- Principal Investigator:Satoshi Hirata
- FAX:+81-75-771-4394
- Sub-Core Center 1:Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University
Apes, the most closely related animals to humans, are critical for academic research. However, all species of apes are endangered and research into these animals requires a variety of considerations. GAIN is building a database of all great and small apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans and gibbons) kept in Japan. We collect and manage available information on non-invasive samples(such as those derived from dead bodies) and information on their background, family history, and genome, among other data, and make them available for shared use by researchers to promote academic research.
・Collect information on individual apes kept in zoos
・Manage real-time databases of information on individual apes
・Provide information on the availability of non-invasive samples
・Provide support for various procedures during sample collection