About the NBRP

The Purpose and Relevance of Our Work

The major aim of the National BioResource Project (NBRP) is to collect, preserve, and provide bio-resources (strains, populations, tissues, cells, genes of animals, plants and microorganisms, and information on these materials for R&D use) that are essential experimental materials for life science research. To be able to meet current scientific needs, the project also aims to increase the usefulness of these bio-resources via the addition of genome information and development of fundamental technologies for preservation and other necessary procedures. The information center will also be upgraded to promote the dissemination of information on the whereabouts and biological characteristics of these bio-resources.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has conducted the National BioResource Project (NBRP) since FY2002 to comprehensively promote life sciences. In the project, the systems of collection, preservation, and distribution were established for bio-resources, such as experimental animals, plants, and microbes (strains, populations, tissues, cells, and genetic materials of animals, plants, and microbes and their information as research and development materials) that require strategic development by the national government.

In the Sixth Science and Technology Basic Plan (FY2021 – FY2025), the government stipulated that intellectual infrastructures and biological and genetic resources such as genetic data that are the foundations of data-driven research should be provided strategically and systematically. The NBRP therefore plans to build on the existing intellectual infrastructure by improving the quality of available resources in response to diverse needs and promote the strategic collection and utilization of these bio-resources.


General Outline of the Project

The NBRP is made up of two programs. (1) the resource center program and (2) the information center program, which together aim to facilitate the collection, preservation, and provision of bioresources and develop related technologies.

NBRP Implementation System

NBRP Program Director (PD)

NBRP-PD coordinates the operation of the project and the cooperation and promotion of each program.

Name Affiliated organization
Yuji Kohara Director, Database Center for Life Science, Research Organization of Information and Systems

NBRP Program Officer (PO)

NBRP-PO assists the PD and promotes the operation of each task.

Name Affiliated organization
Yuichi Obata Honorary Scientist, RIKEN
Satoshi Tabata Vice President / Director, Kazusa DNA Research Institute
Tetsuya Hayashi Professor Emeritus, Kyushu University


1. Resource center program

This program aims to establish core centers that will collect, preserve and provide bioresources that are unique to Japan and form the foundation of life sciences research. The program consists of two subprograms: the first aims to improve the quality and value of the bioresources, and second aims to develop new technologies, such as those that will enable the long-term preservation of bioresources.

Value addition subprogram

Recipients of funds awarded under this subprogram will analyze the genomic, metabolomic, proteomic, metabolomic, and other characteristics of bioresources and biologically-derived components with beneficial physiological effects.

Technology development subprogram

Recipients of funds awarded under this subprogram will develop new technologies related to the collection, proliferation, preservation and provision (including transportation) of bioresources. The goal of this program is to evaluate the quality control, preservation technologies, value and, in turn, quality of the resources.


2. Information center program

This program aims to construct and make available databases containing such information as the location and genetic and other characteristics of the bioresources collected at the core and sub-core centers. This program will also raise the profile and visibility of the NBRP through various public relation activities.

NBRP Network of Japan

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