Great Ape Information Network (GAIN)

NBRP – GAIN : Steering committee member list (Update:July 2024)

 Chairperson   Subject Director

Name Affiliation
AGATA Kiyokazu National Institute for Basic Biology
HATTORI Yuko Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior, Kyoto University
HIRATA Satoshi Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University
IDANI Gen’ichi Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University
IMAI Hiroo Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior, Kyoto University
IMAMURA Masanori Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University
KAWAKAMI Fumito College of Humanities, Chubu University
MURAYAMA Miho Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University
NISHIMURA Takeshi Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University
TAKESHITA Hideko Faculty of Psychology, Otemon Gakuin University
TANAKA Masayuki The Kyoto City Zoo
YAMAMOTO Shinya Institute for Advanced Study, Kyoto University
YAMANASHI Yumi The Kyoto City Zoo
YOSHIKAWA Yasuhiro Institute of Environmental Microbiology, Kyowa Kako Co., Ltd.
WATANUKI Koshiro Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University