Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission date: extended to Sep. 4
The abstract submission has been closed.

The Organizing Committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations at the 8th ANRRC International Meeting. Accepted abstracts will be published in the abstract book and given to all participants attending the meeting upon registration. Please complete the form in English and submit to by September 4 (August 31), 2016. Abstracts submitted via fax or airmail will not be accepted.
The result of adoption will be sent by e-mail.

Time Allocation

1) Oral Presentation: Because there are many applications, contributing papers will be allotted 15-25 minutes including time for discussion depending on the number of presentations in the sessions.
2) Poster: Displayed for two days as determined by the Conference Organizing Committee.

Abstract Format Requirements

1) The text and word count: All abstracts must be written in English and should not exceed 500 words excluding the title, authors and institutions. The text should be written in font 12pt Times New Roman, justified and with single spacing between lines. However, when typing complicated mathematical text it is important to increase the space between text lines in order to prevent sub- and super-scripts fonts overlapping.
2) Title: The Abstract title should be entered in mixed case. Please do not enter the title in all capital letters.
3) Authors: Please enter all submitting authors in the order they should appear in the heading of the abstract and mark the presenting authors with asterisk (*).
4) Institutions: Full address of the institution is required. If there are more than one institutions, use superscript numbers (1, 2, etc) after each author's name to indicate institutions.
Abstract Format Template

Abstract Format Requirements

Each poster will have a display area of no more than 90cm wide x 210cm high