Privacy Policy

National Institute of Genetics (NIG), Research Organization of Information Systems (ROIS) manages the website for the National BioResource Project (NBRP) funded by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). NIG acquires personal information from visitors of the NBRP website. Any data we gain through the website will be protected strictly and will never be released, given, or lent to any third party without just cause.

Collection of Personal Information

Personal information collected via the NBRP website ( may be used for the following purposes:

  1. The operation, maintenance and management of this website
  2. Handling inquiries received through this website
  3. Any other purposes incidental to the above 2 purposes

Access logs

NIG records and stores the browsing history of visitors to the NBRP website as an access log. Individuals will not be identified by the access log and the access log will not be used for any other purpose other than analysis of browsing trends and calculating the number of visits to the website, and for solving problems in the server. The result of the analysis will only be used as reference purposes for improving and managing the website.

Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information

In accordance with the rules and regulations regarding personal information, and within a reasonable period of time and scope, NIG will swiftly handle requests received from individuals for the disclosure, correction or deletion of their personal information collected through this website, once NIG has confirmed the individual’s identity.

Range of Application

Our policy will be applied for the following website:

Change in Policy

NIG may revise the details of this privacy policy if necessary. Any changes made to the policy will be notified on the website. Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be thoroughly considered before their implementation, however, NIG will not be responsible for any damage caused by any future change(s).

For any queries regarding the policy, please contact us via our contact form.
