About NBRP’s logo

Upon renewing the National BioResource Project (NBRP) website, we also renewed the project’s logo.

The five colors in the logo indicate the respective types of bioresources. Blue indicates animal resources, green indicates plant resources, red indicates microbial resources, orange indicates cell/DNA material resources, and black indicates information resources.
The four vertical rectangles, which represent animals, plants, microbes, and cells/DNA materials, respectively, are standing on the black rectangular base, which represents information resources. The logo thus symbolizes our provision of biological materials and accompanying information (biological data) needed by the research communities.

Variations of this logo are available for your use, in the “NBRP logo and publicity materials” section of our website. Please read the “Terms of Use” carefully, and use them to link your homepage to our website.

Thank you for your continued support for the National BioResource Project.
